Tag: hummingbird

Purple Pizzazz


So, I was thinking about titling this one ‘Magenta’ but I felt that there was another color that fit it better but I couldn’t pull the name off the top of my head. So I did what everyone does when they can’t remember something… I check Wikipedia. Shockingly there is an article titled, Shades of Magenta. And although it wasn’t the color that I was thinking of, Purple Pizzaz is definitely the best name out of all of the ones listed.

That Awkward Phase


This poor juvenile Anna’s is definitely in that awkward stage where the baby feathers have fallen out and the adult feathers haven’t quite filled in yet. We’ve all been there, right? When I was a teen I had braces, glasses, and bangs… so I fill this poor guy’s pain.

Make it pop


Like many of you know, I’m a graphic designer by trade and for some reason I just really love the color of this Anna’s head against the green. I can’t tell you how often designers are told to “make it pop” and this reminded me of that because of the colors.