Tag: pelican

Brown and blue

Brown Pelican

A Brown Pelican hanging out at the Oceanside Pier.

I recently heard that you only find Brown Pelicans at the ocean and White Pelicans at lakes. Since we only have the two types in California, it’s easy to figure out which one it is based on what body of water you are looking at. So far, I’ve found that to be true. I can’t seem to find anything online about it. Please let me know if you’ve heard that tip too!

Shelter Island

After we stopped by Point Loma, we checked out Shelter Island on the way home. I thought that we would just see some gulls, but it was a total jackpot of birds! There were a ton of pelicans and gulls hanging out on the pier eating the remnants of the fish that fishermen were throwing away, as well as seals begging for leftovers. There were also several birds living in the large palms around the shore.

We were there around lunch time and the amount of birds was impressive so this is one of those rare places that have good birds mid-day. If you are ever wanting to see shorebirds up close, this is the place to be. They were just so unafraid of us.